Feel The Power
The Vault
The Vault system is the true magic behind the fpxEngine
The Vault is a suite of small prebuilt pinball "sections" that you can copy and paste directly into your table, and when you press play, It works!
These are a collection of designed and coded templates of small design elements that you can use within your table design to build a pinball table from scratch. All you need to do is select which Vault templates you wish to use, copy and paste the design and the script into the master template, and you are pretty much done.
A average simple design should take about 1/2 hour to do, and it will work as soon as you press play. As time goes on, more and more vault templates will be added to the template.
Each vault page in this collection shows a image for how that vault will look, and gives a complete description of what the vault does, how it scores, and how to modify the vault for your own set of rules.
Also included is a copy of the master script, so you can study how it all works and reuse the master script (refered to as “worksheets”) for your own code, or to duplicate.