Vault - Drop Targets - vault_fpxDropTargetBank1
File Name – vault_fpxDropTargetBank1
How it works
This Vault item has 5 stages of scoring, plus the ability to set player memory so a player can carry on through the stages with his next ball.
The script is set to automatically reset the stages if the player reaches the 5th stage (25000 pts) in his previous ball so that player can have the chance to score a Extra Ball and a free game a second time.
User Adjustments (pin-settings)
v_fpxDTB1CaseStart = 1
Initial Stage (Light) to be lit in this vault item for start of each ball,
– Set to 0 for no lights at start or “hard”. (You need to complete the Target bank routine once before the first light will be lit)
– Set to 1 to have the first light on at the start of a game
Handles the Memory feature for DropTarget Score by each player
– Set to 1 if you want the player(s) DropTarget Bank made total per game in play carried over to his next ball in play.
– Set to 0 to have the DropTarget Bank Made total per game in play reset back to beginning with each new ball.
How to Change Scoring (Bank)
Sub AddVaultScoreDTB1fpx1()
This subroutine handles scoring when a bank is made. you can modify each stage by modifying the code with each case setting by adding different values between the brackets for higher scores, or by adding or replacing the code for additional or replacement fpxEngine AddScoringEvents routines. In most cases with AddScoringEvent, these are just 1 or 2 lines of code you can copy and paste.
– Case 0: 5000 points,1000 added to Jackpot value , 1 added to bonus count at loss of a ball
– Case 1: 10000 points,10000 added to Jackpot value , 1 added to bonus count at loss of a ball
– Case 2: 25000 points ( AddScoringEvent “25kAward” )
– Case 3: Extra Ball ( AddScoringEvent “ExtraBall” )
– Case 4: Special ( AddScoringEvent “Special” )
– Case 5: 25000 points ( AddScoringEvent “25kAward” ) This will repeat till loss of ball, then the case settings will reset back to the beginning case at the players next ball.
How to Change Scoring (Single)
Sub DTB1fpx1_Hit()
This subroutine handles scoring when a single target is made. you can modify this just by changing the scoring code by adding different values between the brackets for higher scores
AddScore(1000) ‘ Adds the value within the brackets to your player(s) score for Single Target Hit (not entire bank)
AddJackpot(1000) ‘ Adds the value within the brackets to the Jackpot value which can be collected later on in the game
AddBonus(1) ‘ Adds one bonus within the brackets to the End-Of-Ball Bonus Countdown routine
There is a rubber object behind the targets, which also generates points
Sub DTB1fpxRubber1_Hit()
List of Objects
These objects are needed for the entire script to work. If you accidentally delete one of these objects and then run the table, the table will throw up a error message telling you a object is missing. If you restore that object back, your table will run fine.
This is a list of all the objects needed:
Additional Information
- All Drop Targets objects are set to Layer 1 in your editor. Each major group of Vault items are set to their own layer for easy moving and modification.
- Layer 9 are reserved for the top (header) and Bottom (slingshots/flippers/aprons)
- Layer 0 is reserved for the fpxEngine objects.
- All objects can be modified or rotated to fit your design.
- Consult the FP manual for making changes directly in the editor, or visit the Pinball Nirvana website if you get really stuck.
The Plastic light is part of the bulb code, it will flash in unison with the bulbs underneath, and can not be deleted without causing a error message when you run the table.
Plastics always have the word in front of them. Semi-transparent edges (surfaces) always has the "t_ in front of the name.
A Note:
fpxEngine uses a shaped light as a "plastic", as well as a semi-transparent surface as a edge around it. This is set to a height of 32mm, to form a proper cover over posts/rubbers etc that the ball can roll underneath.
The Plastic light is part of the bulb code, it will flash in unison with the bulbs underneath, and can not be deleted without causing a error message when you run the table.
Plastics always have the word in front of them. Semi-transparent edges (surfaces) always has the "t_ in front of the name.